E x p e r i e n c e s


A paradise
for Equestrian Tourism

There are many reasons that make the Alentejo region an ideal place for the practice of equestrian tourist activities, among which we can highlight the equestrian culture, the indigenous breeds and the natural environment. In addition, the climate, the existence of numerous stud farms and history itself, which reveals that many of the portuguese monarchs invested in these places to breed the best horses in the kingdom, bring together excellent conditions for the promotion of a wide range of equestrian tourism.

From the Alentejo region, the simplicity of life in rural areas, the richness of the gastronomy and wines, the hospitality of the people, the quality of the breed of the Lusitano Horse, the Sorraia Horse, among others, as well as the Portuguese riding itself stand out.

Around the horse there are many activities that can be developed, and the Alentejo region gives you the possibility to try them:

H i s t o r i c a l - c u l t u r a l v i s i t s

In the Alentejo region, there are countless places where you can observe and experience the equestrian history and the way in which some places develop around equine breeding and the practice of activities related to the horse.

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H o r s e r i d e s

Riding trails on horseback allows tourists to enjoy the natural environment and cultural attractions of the region, with the Alentejo landscapes being the perfect motto for a relaxing ride. The immensity of the Alentejo countryside conveys the necessary freedom to trot and gallop to the rhythm of relaxation and curiosity to admire the secular and rustic houses that dot the Alentejo plains.

H o r s e B a p t i s m

For those who have never tried horseback riding, the Alentejo region offers a series of opportunities to do so safely, inside a riding ring and guided by an instructor, feeling the vibrant energy of the national ex-libris that is the Lusitano horse.

V a u l t i n g L e s s o n s

With the horse on a leash, the vaulting classes allow you to try out the horse’s three gaits, working on exercises to improve the rider’s placement in the saddle and balance on horseback, with the help of a monitor.

R i d i n g L e s s o n s

When the rider already has some experience and is able to control the horse, riding lessons are the ideal choice to perfect the level of training and to work on some riding figures, lateral exercises and ascending and descending transitions in the three gaits (step , trot and gallop).

S t a g e s o f I m p r o v e m e n t

Teams of professionals, often made up of coaches and athletes, receive riders, national and foreign, to carry out development and improvement training in equitation in its various sporting or artistic aspects. In these stages, riders can seek technical support or expert opinion for the work they have been developing with their horse.

C a r r i a g e R i d e s

The idyllic landscapes of the Alentejo are the perfect motto for a relaxing carriage ride, where you respect the pace of the horse while savoring the mild climate and bucolic scenery of the plains. The original carriages, pulled by a pair of horses, are the ideal means for a relaxed and romantic walk that you will never stop remembering.

C a r r i a g e D r i v i n g C h r i s t e n i n g

Through a brief cart ride, usually inside an enclosure, you can experience driving a horse in the carriage.

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